410-989-1970 (call or text any time)

 Proudly Serving Maryland Counties Anne Arundel, Howard & Prince George's since 2014

Other Services:

  • Day to Day Project Management of your renovation
  • Project and contractor oversight
    • Many buyers have independent reviews of their properties during various stages of the construction process, including backfill/drainage, pre-drywall/close-in, and final inspection. These inspections protect your purchase, prevent unpleasant surprises, and ensure the quality home that you’ve dreamed about.
  • Final Walk-Through Inspections
    • During the walk-through, buyers can determine if the repair work they requested in the sales agreement has been completed. They can also confirm that the condition of the property has not deteriorated since last seen.  Because the walk-through takes place only a few days or even hours before closing, it’s easy for excited homebuyers to skip taking another careful look at the property. However, being thorough during these final steps can save buyers from unexpected headaches and expense.
  • One-Year Builder’s Warranty Inspections
    • Many builders provide a one-year warranty on their workmanship. During this period of time the home owner develops a mental “punch list” of corrections for the contractor to repair under the warranty coverage, but some defects are not so obvious. It is a good idea to have a Certified Home Inspector help you develop a list of items that will most likely be repaired by your builder at no cost to you. We can help you identify potential problems that could cost you time and money in the future.
  • Annual inspections for residential rental properties
    • Maryland Counties are requiring landlords to have their property inspected every two years.  We provide the 7-point inspection which can help landlords avoid delays in getting the rental license. We inspect: SMOKE DETECTORS, ELECTRICAL WIRES, WATER, BASEMENT SLEEPING AREAS, FURNACE, STAIR RAILINGS, OTHER CONCERNS that, in the inspector’s opinion, represent an immediate threat to the health or safety of an occupant.